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Maverick provides a complete range of cable assembly products.... from wiring harnesses to custom overmolded and optical cable assemblies. Maverick's strengths as an interconnect supplier :
  • Cable assembly  and wire harness
  • Engineering and new product development 
  • Medium to high volume manufacturing
  • Globally competitive manufacturing capabilities.
Technology Leader...Our mission is to bring value and service from proven technologies to customers and to help our customers utilize those capabilities to assist in their product design efforts.Maverick focuses on service and support to strategic customers, where Mavericks core competencies may be combined with the needs of our customers, for a good fit.  The company is a leader in numerous segments of the cable assembly market. 

Engineering and New Product Introductions...Maverick has almost two decades of helping customers launch new products to the marketplace. This includes cable assembly design, component sourcing and testing, as well as  prototype and quick-turn production. Additional services provided include drawing and documentation creation.

Broad Manufacturing Capabilities...The range of manufacturing capabilities begin with quick-turn, engineering-focused production runs and extend through to high volume demands common to consumer products. The company also provides volume and time-to-market solutions.

Competitive Cost Manufacturing...In support of customer global production needs, the company’s cable facilities are strategically located in Cleveland, Oh. Reynosa, Mexico, as well as utilizing strategic partnerships in China and other low cost areas. All facilities are ISO9000,  UL and  CSA, certified. Each facility is staffed with it's own service, engineering and support teams.




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